Research Labs at the Child Study Center
Activity for Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Lab
Dr. Matt Davidson, Director
The Activity for Brain and Cognitive Development Laboratory investigates the effects of physical activity on cognitive abilities and emotional stability. The research conducted in this lab utilizes behavioral measures, genetic sampling, and saliva sampling. For more information, please visit the lab website (coming soon!).
Brain Cognition and Development (BCD) Lab
Dr. Lisa Scott, Director
The Brain Cognition and Development Laboratory investigates the development of cognitive and perceptual abilities. The research conducted in the this lab utilizes behavioral measures, measures of looking time and eye-fixations, and recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs). For more information, please visit the lab website by clicking here.
Children and Media Lab
Dr. Daniel Anderson, Director
The Children and Media Lab investigates the cognitive and educational aspects of children televison viewing. The research conducted in this lab utilizes behavioral measures and eyetracking equipment. For more information, please contact Dr. Anderson via email by clicking here.
Infant Cognition Lab
Dr. Erik Cheries, Director
The Infant Cognition Lab investigates how infants perceive and think about the world around them. We are currently examining such questions as: What intuitions do infants have about objects and events? What early numerical abilities do infants and young children have? How do infants track the identity of objects and people over time? How do infants reason about the intentions and actions of others? We use a variety of methods to investigate such early knowledge, including measuring infants' looking time to various scenes, measuring reaching for hidden objects, and measuring infantsʼ choices in simple experimental games. please visit the lab website by clicking here.
Infant Motor Lab
Dr. Neil Berthier, Director
The Infant Motor Lab investigates the development of motor control. The research conducted in this lab utilizes behavioral measures, touchscreen technology, and motion capture equipment. For more information, please visit the lab website by clicking here.
NeuroCognition and Perception (NCaP) Lab
Dr. Lisa Sanders, Director
The NeuroCognition and Perception Laboratory investigates the development of attention and speech perception. The research conducted in this lab utilzes behavioral measures and recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs). For more informaiton, please visit the lab website by clicking here.