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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Child Study Center?
The Child Study Center is comprised of five research groups in the Department of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts. Our work is concerned with abilities that are important to development in children. Community children have participated in activities at the Center for over 20 years.

What kinds of studies go on at the Child Study Center?
Children from infancy through high school participate in our studies. Projects may be concerned with such things as the development of reaching and problem solving in infants, attention and television viewing in preschoolers, and the emergence of language and reasoning in toddlers. Please visit our research labs section for more information.

Why are we asking your child to participate in our program?
You are being contacted at this time because a child in your family is the right age for the particular activity that is currently being explored. If you do not wish to be contacted about participating in studies again, please let us know.

What can you and your child expect if you participate?
Our activites are designed to be fun and interesting for children. You will be fully informed about what you and your child will be asked to do. No discomfort or risks are associated with any study at the Center.

Will I stay with my child during the experiment?
In every study the parent remains with their child.

Can I bring my other children?
Of course! We will provide a sitter for siblings in our special playroom with advance notice.

How can my child participate if I work during the day?
Most labs would be happy to schedule an evening or weekend appointment. Our work would not be possible without the participation of local families. We will work around your schedule to find the best time to visit.

How long will the study take?
Appointments vary by study and lab group.

Will I receive compensation for participating in a study?
Compensation varies by study and lab group.

Where did you get my name?
We obtained the names of children who might participate from various sources. These include public birth records and names volunteered by your friends and neighbors whose own children have participated in our projects.

For other questions about the Child Study Center or concerns about having your child participate in a study, please contact us by email at childstudy@psych.umass.edu.
