
The following are definitions of terms commonly used throughout the conduct process and found in the Code of Student Conduct:


  • Administrative Meeting: A meeting between a Respondent and a Case Administrator(s).
  • Advisor: Any person selected by an individual involved in the conduct process to support and provide guidance during the conduct proceedings.

    Advisors may only act in an advisory capacity and may not represent the person or otherwise speak on behalf of the person in any meetings or hearings.

    An Advisor may not be a witness or otherwise have any conflicting role in the process.

    While the Advisor may be an attorney (paid at the individual’s own expense), attorneys assisting students must not be employees of the Student Legal Services Office supported by University funds.

    Any person who serves as an Advisor should make themselves available for meetings throughout the process.

    Any person who elects to be accompanied by an Advisor should notify the Case Administrator(s) at least two (2) business days in advance of any scheduled meetings or hearings.

    Any Advisor who disrupts conduct proceedings or who is determined by the University to have a conflict of interest as an Advisor may be removed and/or excluded from serving as an Advisor. The University determines what constitutes disruptive behavior and/or conflicting role on the part of an Advisor.
  • Business Day: A day when University administrative offices are open.
  • Campus: Property or facilities owned, leased, used, controlled, or managed by the University of Massachusetts Amherst, regardless of the location.
  • Case Administrator: A staff member designated to review student conduct referrals and determine if a violation of the Code has occurred.
  • Faculty Member: Any person employed by the University to conduct teaching and/or classroom activities or who the University otherwise considers a member of the faculty.
  • Information: Any information presented to the University, whether submitted by individuals involved, Witnesses, and/or derived from documents and/or other sources.
  • Preponderance of Evidence: The standard of proof used to determine whether it is more likely than not that a Code violation occurred.
  • Procedural Advisor: A University Official designated to ensure University Hearing Board procedures are followed.
  • Property: Belongings, building and their fixtures, equipment, or materials. In addition, property may include the belongings, equipment, or materials produced, owned or in possession of students, faculty, staff, guests, vendors, contractors, or members of the community.
  • Referring Party: Any person, administrative office, or other group/organization that submits a student conduct referral, but is not directly impacted by the alleged violation(s) of the Code.
  • Reporting Party: A person submitting an initial student conduct referral and/or a person who is impacted by the alleged misconduct. In some instances, the University may serve as the Reporting Party.
  • Respondent: A student or Student Group who is the subject of a report or complaint of misconduct.
  • Sanction Review: A meeting between a Respondent and Case Administrator to review imposed conduct sanction(s).

  • Student: Any person accepted or enrolled in a University course or program, from the time of acceptance or enrollment through the date on which the student is awarded a University degree.

  • Student Conduct Referral: Information that forms the basis for the alleged violation of the Code including, but not limited to, police reports, incident reports, statements and/or other documents.

  • Student Group: A Student Group includes Registered Student Organizations, Graduate Student Organizations, agencies, athletic teams or clubs, musical or theatrical organizations, groups established within academic units, and any number of individuals associated with the University and one another, but who have not registered, or are not required to register, as student organizations.

  • University: The University of Massachusetts Amherst.

  • University Appeals Board (UAB): A panel of three to five (3-5) individuals consisting of faculty, staff, and/or students responsible for reviewing appeals as described in the Code.

  • University Hearing Board (UHB): A panel of three to five (3-5) individuals consisting of faculty, staff and/or students responsible for participating in hearing and making determinations concerning alleged Code violations.
  • University Hearing Board Chair: A member of the University Hearing Board designated by the board to serve as chairperson of a hearing.
  • University Hearing Board Members: A group of students, faculty, and/or staff members appointed by the Dean of Students, or designee, to review cases and determine if a Respondent violated the Code.
  • University Official: Any person employed by the University (including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, and student staff members) acting within the scope of their job duties.
  • Witness: Any person requested to participate in a meeting or hearing because they may have information pertaining to alleged Code violations. Witnesses may be identified by the Respondent, Reporting Party, Referring Party, Case Administrator, or others with knowledge about the alleged Code violation.