UMass Cranberry Station

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Frank Caruso

Extension Associate Professor of Plant Pathology
UMass Extension Agroecology Program, Cranberry Team
Affiliation: Department of Plant and Soil Sciences


Ph.D. (Plant Pathology), University of Kentucky, 1978
M.S. (Plant Pathology), University of Massachusetts, 1974
B.A. (Biology), Gettysburg College, 1971

Research and Extension Interests

  • Evaluation of the Keeping Quality Forecast.
  • Long-term study of the populations of fruit rot fungi.
  • Sources of inoculum for fruit rot fungi.
  • Epidemiology of upright dieback disease.
  • Comparison of disease incidence in wild cranberry stands with cultivated beds.
  • Evaluation of biocontrol agents for fruit rot management.
  • Etiology of funky flower disease.

Selected Publications

Caruso, F.L. 2003. Fruit rot studies in Massachusetts, 2002. Cranberries 67:12-14.

Caruso, F.L. P.R. Bristow, and P.V. Oudemans, 2000. Cranberries: the most intriguing native North American fruit. APS Net Feature for November.

Li, B.,X. Qian, F.L. Caruso, B.R. Singh, and H.K. Sarcar. 2000. Cloning and sequence analysis of a Phytophtora cinnamomi gene which encoded for cinnamomim, a toxin with implications in root rot of cranberry. J. Natural Toxins 9:113-123.

Chen, X., L.A. Grant, and F.L. Caruso. 1999. Effect of Biosave and carnauba wax on decay of cranberry. Proc. Fla. State Hort Soc. 112:116-117.

Oudemans, P, F.L. Caruso, and A.W. Stretch. 1998. Cranberry fruit rot in the northeast: a complex disease. Plant Disease 82:1176-1184.

DeMoranville, C., A. Averill, F. Caruso, H. Sandler, and M.J. Else. 1998. Control of weeds, insects, and diseases on cranberry with a spring flood. HortScience 33:538.

Caruso, F.L. 1998. Reoccurrence of rose bloom caused by Exobasidium oxycocci in cranberry in Massachusetts. Plant Disease 82:447.

Roper, T. R., K. D. Patten, C. J. DeMoranville, J. R. Davenport, B. C. Strik, and A. P. Poole. 1993. Fruiting of cranberry uprights reduces fruiting the following year. HortScience 28:228.

Davenport, J. R., and C. J. DeMoranville. 1993. A survey of several soil physical characteristics of cultivated cranberry bog soils in North America. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 24:1769-1773.

DeMoranville, C. J. 1992. Fish fertilizer: lessons for low input production. Cranberries 56(3):12-13.

Strik, B. C., Roper, T. R., DeMoranville, C. J., Davenport, J. R., and A. P. Poole. 1991. Cultivar and growing region influence return bloom in cranberry uprights. HortScience. 26:1366-67.