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Time Capsule Burial Ceremony Nov. 4

To the Campus Community:

     The final sealing and burial of the UMass Millennium 2000 Time Capsule will take place on November 4, 2000, approximately one hour after the Homecoming football game, or about 4-4:30 p.m. near the Old Chapel. If you have not already sent in items to be included in the time capsule, this is your last opportunity! All items MUST be delivered to History Professor Ron Story at 612 Herter Hall by October 27th. We are still looking for more contributions from any group wishing to leave behind a message for their UMass counterparts in the year 2100; this includes students, faculty, and staff who would like their colleagues of the future to know what was important to us in the year 2000.

     We would also like to invite you to the Time Capsule burial event, which will feature the UMass Minuteman Marching Band as well as a brief installation ceremony to commemorate the occasion. Please join us in this important celebration of UMass and our accomplishments!

Susan Whitbourne and Ron Story
UMass Millennium Time Capsule Committee
David K. Scott

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